Help Center EasySendSMS Payments Understanding Credit Lifespan at

Understanding Credit Lifespan at

Your Credits, Your Convenience

In the fast-paced digital world, we believe in offering our customers the utmost flexibility. At, we want to ensure that your SMS credits serve your needs without the constraints of time.

No Expiry on SMS Credits

One of the core principles we abide by is granting our users the convenience of indefinite credit validity. When you purchase SMS credits with us, rest assured that there's no expiration date on them. This means you can use your credits at your own pace without having to worry about any unforeseen expiration deadlines.

Keeping Things Transparent and Fair

While we're dedicated to providing an unparalleled user experience, we also must ensure the optimal performance and security of our platform. As such, if an account remains dormant or inactive for a prolonged period, specifically two years, we might deem it as abandoned. In such cases, reserves the right to cancel the account for administrative and security reasons.

Reactivation and Support

If you ever find that your account has been deactivated due to prolonged inactivity, don't worry. Our stellar support team is always ready to assist. Whether it's reactivation, information retrieval, or simply understanding our policies better, we're here to help.

Regular Updates for Our Community

We encourage users to periodically check-in, even if you don't need to send SMS messages immediately. This not only ensures that your account stays active, but also allows you to stay updated with the latest features, offers, and updates we roll out.

Value Beyond Credits

At, it's not just about SMS credits. It's about the entire experience we offer, centered around flexibility, understanding, and genuine care for our user community.